CF Testimonials


Here's what Open Minds’ participants say about our trainings:

I can’t wait to go back to work and share this with my coworkers!”

I walked away from your session feeling very motivated! Compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are two parts of my career that I never anticipated but that I have felt very strongly. Thank you for helping me to normalize how I feel!”

Thank you for validating the complications of our industry.”

Very practical tips!”

Important information presented in an easily-relatable way. Sarah was engaging and professional.”

What stands out most for me about what I learned is the connection between the work we do and its impact on us as people.”

Thank you for an enlightening and wonderful presentation. It was amazing and the participants seem to really enjoy it.“

The way it was presented flowed nicely and makes it achievable. The resources presented are appreciated.”

What I found most useful was the idea that starting with yourself changes the entire outcome of every aspect of your life.”

Thank you for offering this session. I found you to be a very enthusiastic and engaging speaker who was very authentic!”

Contact us to talk about bringing Transforming Compassion Fatigue training to your organization.