The Working Mind

An innovative, evidence-based training program crafted to foster resiliency among employees and managers and defeat mental health stigma at work.

High quality interactive training with a certified instructor.

Half-day training for employees. Full-day training for managers. Offered virtually.


About The Working Mind

The Working Mind (TWM) is an evidence-based training program created by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. It was developed to initiate a shift in how we think, act, and feel about mental health in the workplace. This foundational program is designed to provide practical knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to mental health problems, and to reduce stigma about mental health at work. It is an interactive learning experience with a live instructor and uses group discussions, oral and written activities, and multimedia to meet a variety of learning styles.

Course Outline

The Working Mind is structured into four interactive modules, each blending videos, case studies, and practical exercises for an engaging learning experience.

  • Module 1: Mental Health and Stigma – Explore mental health concepts and the effects of stigma.

  • Module 2: The Mental Health Continuum – Use a specialized tool to monitor mental health and foster open discussions.

  • Module 3: Stress & Resilience – Delve into stress management and resilience-building strategies.

  • Module 4 (managers’ session only): Supporting Your Team – Focus on strategies for managers to support their team’s mental well-being.

TWM uses the Mental Health Continuum, a dynamic model that visualizes mental health across a spectrum, ranging from healthy & adaptive to severe symptoms of mental distress, highlighting the fluid nature of mental health and the potential for movement in either direction.

Delivery Format

The Working Mind is available as a virtual training for groups of 8-15 participants.

Employee or full team session: 5 hours of training, Modules 1, 2, and 3. Available as an extended half-day session or two 2.5-hr sessions.

Managers-only session: 7 hours of training, Modules 1-4. Available as a full-day session or two half-day sessions.

Who should take The Working Mind?

The short answer is: anyone who wants to improve mental health in their workplace.

TWM is designed to give everyone who participates a sense of increased confidence in recognizing and responding to signs of declining mental well-being. We’ve had mental health experts and people who’ve never talked about mental health before in trainings together, and everyone learns something new.

Some of the industries we most commonly serve include: healthcare, education and student support services, community and volunteer agencies, social services, legal services, manufacturing, agriculture, and many more.

Is The Working Mind different from Mental Health First Aid?

Yes. While Mental Health First Aid is designed to give participants the skills to recognize and respond to signs of mental distress in any situation, the Working Mind is specifically geared toward the challenges and opportunities we face in our modern workplaces.

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss in more detail which course is a better fit for your organization.

What outcomes can you expect?

  • Mental Health Literacy: Understand the nuances of mental health and illness, recognizing early signs in yourself and others. 

  • Communication Skills:  Develop a common language to support conversations about Mental Health between colleagues and within teams.

  • Stigma Reduction: Our evidence-based programs are proven to combat stigma and cultivate a supportive atmosphere for those facing mental health challenges.

  • Healthier Workplaces: Psychological health incidents are the number one cause of disability leave in Canada. The Working Mind is proven to increase resiliency and create a healthier, more productive workplace.

What does it cost?

Contact us for a free consultation about your group’s needs and a detailed quote. Pricing depends on factors such as delivery format (online vs. virtual) and group size.

Discounts are available for large groups as well as not-for-profit and community agencies upon request.