Our happy clients have a lot to say
“We all feel very lucky and grateful to have had you teach us Mental Health First Aid.”
“The instructor was sensitive to and supportive of the mental health needs of the group and individuals. Very engaging and non-judgmental - a psychologically safe setting. I appreciated the sharing of resources: very helpful to use in my day-to-day activities, especially at work.”
— conestoga College staff
“Excellent course, very relevant to the climate in our company. Should be rolled out to all personnel.”
— Alectra Utilities staff
“I walked away from your session feeling very motivated! Compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are two parts of my career that I never anticipated but that I have felt very strongly. Thank you for helping me to normalize how I feel!”
— Idea Exchange Public library staff
“Important information presented in an easily-relatable way. Sarah was engaging and professional.”
— ward funeral homes staff
“Sarah's sessions have been fantastic in all aspects: relevant, well-paced, and well-organized information facilitated expertly.”
— How to do Trauma-Informed Work participant
“You really are a talented facilitator for this difficult but important content, and I hope you return often. I’ve recommended your workshops to the whole team and management.”
— Mental Health First Aid Standard participant
“You have found such a skillful way to talk about incredibly challenging things.”
Françoise mathieu, TEND
“You made the space safe by being vulnerable yourself, helping us to be vulnerable.”