MHFA Standard Virtual Training - Resources for Conestoga staff
Completing Module 1
Click here to register using the enrolment code I provided you.
Accessing the Participant Reference Guide (course manual) later:
Sign in here, with the email address and password you used when you did Module 1. You will have access to the Reference Guide for 1 year (from the date you completed Module 1). You can also order a paper copy through this link.
Conestoga-Specific Resources:
Helping Others in Distress
988 - Canada’s brand new (2023) National Suicide Crisis Helpline
Here 24/7: Crisis and Emergency Addictions & Mental Health Services in Waterloo/Wellington
Canada-wide, for adults: search for a local distress centre here. find local community and social services resources anywhere across Canada (talk and text lines) support specifically geared to post-secondary students
Kids Help Phone (talk and text lines)
LGBT YouthLine (text 647-694-4275) offers confidential and non-judgmental peer support through telephone, text and chat services.
The Black Youth Helpline (416-285-9944 or toll-free 1-833-294-8650)
Trans Lifeline (877-330-6366)
Hope for Wellness Help Line provides immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all indigenous peoples in English, French, Cree, Ojibway or Inuktitut upon request. 1-855-242-3310
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) offers a 24-hour Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line with culturally specific mental health and addiction supports for adults, youth, and families in Ontario in both English and French, please call: 1-877-767-7572
National Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line (1-866-925-4419). Available 24/7.
Talking about Suicide
Know when to ask about suicide (
How to talk to youth about suicide (Hamilton Health Sciences)
Suicide prevention and intervention trainings: ASIST, SAFEtalk, etc. (LivingWorks)
Helpful Apps
Finding a Therapist or other Mental Health Provider:
Healing in Colour: directory of BIPOC therapists, allied professionals, and other wellness resources
Psychology Today therapist finder
Workplace Mental Health
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health (resources for employees, leaders, and organizations)
Leaders are People Too by Dr. Patricia Fischer (article)
Empathic Strain, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout, and Moral Distress:
The TEND Toolkit: a library of resources for helping professionals (some free content, some paid)
Caring for Yourself in the Face of Difficult Work pocket card
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski (book)
Resisting Burnout with Justice-Doing by Dr. Vikki Reynolds
Here We Are, Amazingly Alive In the Work by Dr. Cathy Richardson and Dr. Vikki Reynolds (journal article - click the PDF button to download the full text)
Disappoint Someone Today by Francoise Mathieu (article)
This is How I Protect My Energy by Nedra Glover Tawwab (video)
Set Boundaries, Find Peace and The Set Boundaries Workbook by Nedra Glover Tawwab (books)
The Better Boundaries Workbook by Sharon Martin (book)
The Empath’s Survival Guide by Dr. Judith Orloff (book)
Self-Compassion (website with lots of free resources)
The Self-Compassion Test from the Centre for Mindful Self-Compassion (questionnaire)
Trauma & Healing
Lifting Heavy Things: Healing Trauma One Rep at a Time by Laura Khoudari (book)
The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice by Staci K Haines (book)
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by David A. Treleaven (book)
The ABCs of Self-Care by Indigenous Youth Wellness Program (video)
A Simple Exercise to Ease Despair by Dr. Peter Levine (video)