Shiota Health Communications Professional Development Webinars, Sept. 2023 & Feb. 2024 Bearing Witness: Coping with Secondary Trauma and Moral Distress, Parts 1 & 2
Slide Decks
Other Resources I Recommend
Self-Tests for Secondary Trauma Exposure & Mental Wellbeing:
Self-care at work and in your personal life questionnaires (excerpts from Resilience, Balance, and Meaning: Supporting our Lives and our Work in High-Stress, Trauma-Exposed Workplaces)
Helping Others in Distress:
Where There is Violence, There is Resistance: Response-Based Practices
The Awkward Conversation (video)
Look Listen Link (video)
Workplace Mental Health:
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health: Leadership, Organizational, and Employee resources
Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress: Skills for Sustaining a Career in the Helping Professions by Brian C. Miller
Self-Care & Community Care:
Feet on the Floor (video)
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes (video)
When the Body Says No: the Hidden Costs of Stress by Dr. Gabor Mate (book)
A Simple Exercise to Ease Despair by Dr. Peter Levine (video)
The ABCs of Self-Care by Indigenous Youth Wellness Program (video)
The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice by Staci K Haines (book)
Here We Are, Amazingly Alive In the Work by Dr. Cathy Richardson and Dr. Vikki Reynolds (journal article - click the PDF button to download the full text)
Caring for Yourself in the Face of Difficult Work pocket card
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by David A. Treleaven (book)
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski (book)
The Age of Overwhelm and Trauma Stewardship (books) by Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky
This is How I Protect My Energy by Nedra Glover Tawwab (video)
Disappoint Someone Today by Francoise Mathieu (article)
Set Boundaries, Find Peace and The Set Boundaries Workbook by Nedra Glover Tawwab (books)
The Better Boundaries Workbook by Sharon Martin (book)
The Empath’s Survival Guide by Dr. Judith Orloff (book)
Empowered Boundaries by Christien Storm (book)
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport (book)