STAR FHT Annual Retreat 2023

Slide Deck

Click here to download the slide deck from today’s session.

Resources I Recommend

Here are the resources I mentioned in today’s session:

Lifting Heavy Things (book) by Laura Khoudari

Feet on the Floor (video)

The Burnout Epidemic (book) by Jennifer Moss

The Burnout Challenge (book) by Christina Maslach

ProQuoL - Professional Quality of Life Scale (test)

Kitchen Table Wisdom (book) by Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen

Coming Home to Secondary Traumatic Stress (article) by Francoise Mathieu

Low-Impact Debriefing (practice)

Hot Walk and Talk protocol (article) by Dr. Patricia Fischer

Burnout: the Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle (book) by Emily and Amelia Nagoski

Self-Compassion Scale (test)

Trauma-Informed Toolkit (publication)

The Deepest Well (book) by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime (video) by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

Learning Brain vs. Survival Brain (video)

Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

and here are other resources that might be helpful:

Help for the Helper (book) by Babette Rothschild

The Compassion Fatigue Workbook by Francoise Mathieu

TEND Toolkit (some free, some paid resources) - a library of tools for helping professionals

Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches: a Guide for Primary Care (book) by Megan R. Gerber